Hello and welcome to Red Mountain Baptist Church. You’re probably at this page because you’re curious and interested in becoming part of a church family. We understand how hard it is to find that “just right” church family where you experience a sense of community. We would like to let you know up front that we take serious our role of making our visitors feel loved and know the love of Christ. Please let us know any way that we can help you.
Thank you for taking the time to visit with us and may the grace and peace of God be with you.
What we teach
Red Mountain believes and teaches the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. We believe Jesus was born of a virgin, died on a cross for our sins, arose the third day and is coming back to take His children (believers) home to Heaven.
Want to learn more? Contact us or visit the page “Who is Jesus“.
We have various activities spread across multiple groups is our church…
- Baptist Women
- Women’s Bible Study Group
- Baptist Men
- Men of Iron (Men’s Bible Study)
- Young Men’s Bible Study
- Youth (Team Fearless)
- Children’s Ministry
- Fun Bunch (Seniors)
A few frequently asked questions. . .
- What are your services like? We have 2 identical services, 8:45am and 11:00am. The only difference may be baptism in one service and not the other. Our services begin with prayer concerns, announcements, a congregational hymn, worship or praise song, Special Music, Preaching, then closing announcements.
- How long are they? Our Sunday morning service is approx. 1 hour long.
- What is your style of worship? We are a traditional Baptist Church.
- What is typical attire? Attire is casual, but modest.
- Is child care available? We have nursery and toddler care for ages 4 and under, and Children’s Church for ages 5 through 5th Grade.
- See https://redmountainbaptist.com/visitors/what-to-expect/ for more answered questions.