What to Expect

What to Expect

Everyone gets a little anxious when meeting new people and venturing out into new situations. That is why we try very hard here at Red Mountain Baptist Church to make each and every person our welcomed guest. We have put together this little “FAQ” section to answer any of those anxious questions which may already be on your mind.

What Does The Church Believe?

Please take a look at our church covenant here: RMBC Church Covenant
We also hold to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message which can be found here: 2000 Baptist Faith and Message

What Style Of Music Is Used For The Services?

Here at Red Mountain Baptist Church we enjoy all styles of music and find that all can be used to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Music was given by God for the purpose of bringing Him glory and praise. The aim of each worship service is corporate praise of our great and awesome God. In all of the worship services you will find a variety of people who enjoy worshiping God in the silence of their hearts and those who enjoy lifting up holy hands and voices in praise and joyful amen’s. Most of the services at Red Mountain are blended with a mixture of ancient and modern hymns. The key is not to make styles and preferences of music an issue but to make Jesus Christ the issue and focus of all we do, think, and say. So whatever your preference please feel welcomed to come out and join us in worshiping the eternal God who enjoys the praise of His people.

How Should I Dress For The Services?

The Apostle Paul once encouraged the Corinthians that in whatever they did that all should be done to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). This is our guiding theme and aim in the Christian life. So inherit in this thought is the idea that dress does matter and can bring glory to God (especially if eating and drinking can!) People though are different from one another and sometimes we express our worship in different ways, which is why you will find people all across the spectrum in how they dress during our worship services, with some wearing suits and others wearing jeans and collared shirts. In short, our dress code is casual, but modest. However, we love and welcome all people no matter how they dress because Jesus welcomed and loved all people including the poor and the politicians.

Where Should I Park My Vehicle?

We have plenty of parking and you may park wherever you wish. As our guest we want you to feel welcomed and honored. We do have specifically designated locations, at the front sides of the church, for visitor parking if you would like to take advantage of those spots.

Where Do I Go After I Park My Vehicle?

During each of our services there are greeters at the different entrances into the church. Any of our greeters would be glad to welcome you, hand you some helpful information, and personally guide you in the right direction. If you are a first time visitor, please fill out a ‘Connect’ card and return it to the ‘Welcome Desk’ located in the Welcome Center for a gift bag, our way of saying ‘Thank You for Visiting with Us Today’.

What About My Children?

We provide loving and exceptional nursery care for any of your infants so that you can enjoy the worship service and Sunday school classes being offered. We also offer ‘Children’s Church’ for our children (ages 4 through 5th grade). We want to make it as easy as possible for you to worship and grow in your faith as your children are growing in their own faith. During each service your children will be well looked after, lovingly taught God’s Word, and experience loads of fun during their own worship services and classes. Each person that works with the children’s ministry and nursery ministry has to go through a complete and thorough background check before their ministry can begin. Our goal is to point your children to Christ while providing complete, comprehensive, and safe care.

What Is The Best Way To Get To Know Others?

There is no substitute for time, energy, and effort. All good friendships begin with you and your attitude. You may have heard the saying “you get out what you put in.” This statement is absolutely true. We all would like not to have to work for friendships but it really does come down to taking the step of moving toward others. We have an awesome group of people who would care about you and take the time to get to know you but it still comes back to your time, energy, and effort. You have to get up, drive to the church, and go into the class or service. You don’t have to be afraid because we want you to come and we want to get to know you. The best opportunity to get to know the other people at Red Mountain is through our Sunday School hour or through some of our monthly events here at the church. So what are you waiting for…come out and join us!

Am I Expected To Tithe?

As a guest we do not expect you to tithe. We are greatly appreciative that you would take the time to come and join us. If you would like to give please know that your money does go to support the work of God in our community and abroad.