Upcoming events are listed on this page while events that have ended can be shown on the Past Events page. You can also show a Monthly Calendar. Events can be set to recur automatically with Church Content Pro.
Worship Services
We also have Wednesday night services at 7:00pm, so come back and join us mid-week, or for those who’s church doesn’t have a Wednesday night service, join us for a time of Bible study and fellowship in the sanctuary.
Special time of 2-4p for March 30th, due to Community Revival. Afterwards, we’ll resume regular schedule of 3-5p. Join us for a new 12 week Discipleship class beginning February 16th. Open for Youth and up. Deacon Josh Taylor will be teaching the class. All material will be provided. Bring a pen and notebook if you’ll be taking notes.
Community Revival
Community Revival – 4 Nights – 4 Churches – 4 Preachers
Senior Adult Bible Study
A Bible Study of the Book of Acts, taught by Joe Glenn. This will also be a time of fellowship with finger foods and exercise (walking in the FLC at your own pace). If you plan to attend, please sign up in the Welcome Center.
Young Men’s Bible Study
Young Men’s Bible Study meets every Thursday evening at 7p.
Baptist Women Brunch
Ladies, join us for brunch and fellowship.
Fun Bunch Event – Bingo & Lunch. Join in the fun and win prizes, followed by lunch afterwards. Please sign up in the Welcome Center so we’ll know how much food to prepare.
Missions Night
Join us for Missions Night (always the 2nd Wednesday). Everyone at Red Mountain is on missions…
Easter Egg Hunt / Hot Dog Dinner
Community Easter Egg Hunt & Hot Dog Dinner. Egg Hunt begins at 4pm followed by a Hot Dog Dinner.
Midweek Bible Study
Join us for Midweek Bible Study with Pastor Dave every Wednesday evening, except the 2nd Wednesday. The youth also have Bible Study with Cameron & Dawne Lewis. Children have choir practice with Laura Pryor, and nursery is provided for ages 3 and under.
Sunrise Service
Sunrise Service followed by a covered dish breakfast.
Women’s Bible Study
All ladies are invited to join us for Session 4 of “Forward” by Dr. David Jeremiah Bible Study on April 21st. We live in a culture emerging from the worst pandemic in 100 years. We have come face-to-face with the realization that life is short. We are taunted by fear that paralyzes us and prevents us from growth. We are worried about the future wondering if we can pursue a God-given dream. We struggle with staying strong and finishing strong…