

 Here’s what’s coming up. . .

  • Church Directory – The final opportunity to have your picture taken for the Church Directory will be Sunday, March 23rd. Photos will be taken after the first service and after Sunday School/before the second service. You can also submit a picture to
  • Easter Egg Hunt & Hotdog Dinner – Saturday, April 12th ~ 4p. This is a great opportunity to invite someone to church. Please sign up in the Welcome Center if you plan to attend and what you will bring for the meal. This year we are collecting candy for stuffing the Easter Eggs. You can place your candy donations in the bin in the Welcome Center. Due to allergies, please avoid donating candy with peanuts/tree nuts or peanut butter.
  • We are continuing to collect for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American missions. Our church goal is $3,500. Please pray about what the Lord would have you give, then use the specially marked envelopes at the offering boxes, or you can give on-line, please indicate the donation is for Annie Armstrong.
  • Prayer Request email:  or text Deb
    Terry at 904-347-3031.