Tables of Love
Tables of Love is a special evening of ‘dinner and a show’ presented by our youth. You can sign up in the Welcome Center for a table and invite your friends (member or non-member) to join your table, or sign up individually and be placed at a table. Doors open at 6:00pm sharp. Please line up in the Welcome Center to enter the Family Life Center. No other entrance will be available to enter.
Mar 8, 2025
Marriage Conference
Marriage Conference – ‘Relationships by the Book’ The conference will be held at Antioch Baptist Church in Timberlake on Saturday, March 8th from 10a – 2p. The cost is $20, which includes all material and lunch. Please contact Pastor David Chambers (of Antioch) at 336-504-3821 if you would like to attend.
Salad/Baked Potato Dinner
Join us for our annual Baked Potato and Tossed Salad Dinner on the 22nd. All toppings and sweet tea are furnished. You’ll just need to bring your salad dressing, dessert, and/or drink. Please sign up in the Welcome Center so we’ll know how much food to prepare.
Children’s Ministry Event
All children, K-5th Grade, are invited to go to Sky Zone on Sunday, February 23rd following the 11am worship service. A pizza lunch will be provided in the Family Life Center and then go to Sky Zone in Durham. Cost is $5. Your child will return to the church at 4:00pm. If interested, please sign your child up in the Welcome Center by Sunday, 2/16 and give your money to Heather Glenn or Donna Reitz.
Farrell Baby Shower
Church wide invite to a Baby Shower for Jake and Ashley (Lewis) Farrell on Sunday, February 9th, from 1:00-3:00pm, in the Family Life Center. It’s a boy! The Farrell’s are registered at .
‘Forged’ Men’s Conference
All men are invited to attend this conference on Friday evening, January 31st at 5:00pm and Saturday morning, February 1st at 8:00am. The cost is $20 which includes conference material, dinner and breakfast. Please sign up in the Welcome Center if you will attend and pay your money to Pastor Dave.
Covered Dish Meal
We’ll have a covered dish meal following the 11:00am service. Please bring your favorite dish, dessert and/or beverage. Sweet tea will be provided.
All Together Sunday
“All Together Sunday” is when we have only one worship service, that will be at 11:00am. **There will not be an 8:45am service. On this day, we’ll have a special service, a ‘Note Burning’ service, giving God praise for paying off our building loan. After the worship service, we’ll have a covered dish meal, so bring your favorite dish, enough for your family and a guest. Sunday School/Small Group is still at 10:00am. We also have Wednesday night services at…