Baptist Women
The Baptist Women meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month which is Mission’s Night. We discuss ways of reaching our neighbors and community.
a few of our projects…
- Remodel rooms at Samaritan’s Inn (Durham Rescue Mission for women).
- Blessing Bags for the homeless.
- Snack baskets for our Post Offices, Sheriff’s Dept., and Fire Depts.
- Appreciation Dinners for our local fire depts., (Bahama, Timberlake, & Moriah).
- Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox.
Women’s Bible Study
The women meet on the 3rd Monday of each month for Bible Study. We begin a new study on January 20th, 2025, “Forward’ by Dr. David Jeremiah. All ladies are invited to join us.
The Baptist Women have partnered with RADA Cutlery to raise funds for our mission projects. Whether you are an avid cook or hate to cook, there are plenty of products to choose from. Be prepared for upcoming weddings, graduations, and other occasions. By using this link; https://radafundraising.com/?rfsn=4130704.b62946 when you shop, you’ll be purchasing high quality, Made in the USA products, while helping our group raise money for missions.