1. There will be a luncheon for VBS volunteers after the 11a Worship Service on May 19th.
  2. We will have our annual Appreciation Dinner for Bahama Fireman & First Responders. The Baptist Women will supply chicken, rolls, and tea. We ask for your help with sides, desserts, and sodas. Please sign up in the Welcome Center what you can bring.
  3. West Virginia Mission Trip – August 8th – 11th. If you’re interested in going, please sign up in the Welcome Center.
  4. The Nominating Team has begun their work for the 2024/2025 ministry year and they need your help. Please p/u a ‘Serving Within the Body of Christ’ survey in the foyer and Welcome Center. Return your survey to a member on the Nominating Team (Terry Carden, Sue DeBlanc, Tracie Humphries, Seth Pryor, Jenn Shull, or Pastor Dave).
  5. Ladies Fellowship & Fitness will meet on Mondays and Thursdays in the FLC at 7:00pm (except for the 3rd Monday, which will move to Tuesday).
  6. Prayer Request email: redmountainprayers@gmail.com  or text Deb Terry at 904-347-3031.
  7. Our ‘Events’ [read more] isn’t working properly on the main page of the website. Instead, ‘right click’ or hold your finger on the event and ‘open in new tab’ to open details of the event